Start of the Trail.
First bathroom break.
G-ma said the boys walked the whole 2 miles!!!!!!
2nd potty break and of course, Travis had to get it on camera for posterity. haha
Resting under a big tree with Uncle Sam, G-ma and Pa-paw.
Pretty Waterfall on the Trail.
This is the big Tarantula Sinjon found as they were walking. Daddy said when he found it he yelled, "DADDY!!! IT'S A BIG SPIDER!!!!" And when it came time to walk past it he walked as far away from it as possible. Later on G-ma said Sinjon was stomping on some ants. So I think the reason he made such a wide pass on the spider is because it was bigger than his shoe. haha! Pa-paw said, "that's called Respect!" ha!
The boys LOVE Uncle Samuel (cause he has cool video games) and they followed him everywhere! I thought this picture was especially cute.
My dad in front of a Yucca Hut.
The boys in the Yucca Hut with Sam.
They got to dress up in the 1800 clothing even. how cute!
Uncle Samuel, perfect waterboy! hunky confederate soldier. wink wink Always loved a man in uniform haha!
Having played the trumpet himself, Travis taught the boys how to blow into the bugle. He said Sinjon was a natural!
All in all they had a blast! We'll have to check out more things like this with the kids. They LOVE it!